Easy file sharing from the command line

# Given a file: $ echo "Hello World" > hello.txt # Upload, Download or delete it using HTTPie: # Upload $ http --form POST https://transfer.pronus.io/ file@hello.txt https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt # Download $ http https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt Hello World # Download and redirect to file $ http https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt > hello.txt # Delete the file $ http DELETE https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt > hello.txt # Upload, Download or delete it using curl: # Upload $ curl --form file=@hello.txt https://transfer.pronus.io/ https://transfer.pronus.io/sHh6ucjQ8aw/hello.txt # Download $ curl https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt Hello World # Download and redirect to file $ curl https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt -o hello.txt # Delete $ curl -X DELETE https://transfer.pronus.io/fcJNEaCAoEU/hello.txt Hello World

Made for use with shell

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